
The Hardest Thing

Okay. This post deserves a little bit of explanation. About a year ago, I came across this post from the blog On the Other Side of Reality. The author's most recent post was titled The Hardest Thing and described a deep, sad, picture of life and its end. As I read it, I realized that indeed, a lot of people believe that and live like that every day... and my heart felt so heavy for those, those who essentially have no hope.
The author has allowed me to write something based of off her original work, which is intended to show another "hardest thing"- in my opinion, the hardest thing that can happen to a believer in Christ.
Please understand- this post is in no way is intended to hold anything against or put down the the author, what she writes, or what she believes. Since she identifies as an agnostic, I would not agree with most of her beliefs, but in this case my point is not to disagree or argue anything- I only wanted to share my take on a heartfelt glimpse of what the future holds for a person. Again, go ahead and read the original post before reading my spinoff, and thanks again to the author for allowing me to share this.

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....is when you know you could have done more, done better, done it well. You knew how to sing, to dance, to write, draw, and speak- but you didn't do it for the right reason. You had money and power, influence and skill, but what is left of you? What is there to show in the light of eternity? The only thing that just kept you going on- just barely hanging on, day after day- was that secret hope that one day you might find out the real reason for life. You didn't bother looking into it then, although it would have been the only thing that would have smoothed away the tears and stress and emptiness of life and let you see the world like it is.

And so you learned to live your life that way. You kept it all inside, but finally, nearly at the last minute, you found out. You gave in to what you knew must have existed all along- that gentle voice that tugged at your soul. And when you finally exited this world there was Someone on the other side to comfort you. However, there were no loving arms and gentle reassurances in this one as you slowly exited this life, there were no grave performances or dramatic memorials as you returned to the dust where you came. And you know it's all your own fault. All there is is Him- suddenly the only thing you ever knew was ever enough, as you are swept away for eternity. In that final moment, there is peace. There wasn't what you expected, though- no congratulations on your earthly accomplishments and successes, only Him and that overwhelming wave of remembrance of what you could have done with your life but didn't, and then everything else fading out and a new life beginning forever. 


If you are a believer in Christ, would you agree that the thought of a wasted life- with nothing left to give Him- is the hardest thing? Of course, we can never come to Christ "too late", as everything is in His timing, and we know that He alone is enough -that we can never do anything to earn heaven- but our love for Him in this life is proved by our actions. How sad to have nothing to show.
I would love to know your thoughts about this. What do you think is the hardest thing? 


Not Based, Just Placed

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 Some common things in life
that we all need to survive
are often taken for granted
and even overlooked.
And sometimes, when we get them,
they're accredited to the wrong.
We didn't do anything for them.
We just got them.

Grace- it means gift
but few understand that.
After all, nothings's free, right?
And we just can't fathom
that it has nothing to do with us.

Love- it's really a verb
but few understand that.
It's not just about feelings.
And we just can't fathom
how God could continually love us.

Mercy- it's our prepaid ticket
but few understand that.
God's mercy is daily.
And we just can't fathom
how we can even need it.

What we're forgetting
is a really big deal.
But it all comes down
to just two letters.

God's gifts to us
(which is everything)
are not based on us-
just placed on us.

So let's remember this 
as well as all those other things
so common, yet necessary
in our everyday lives.
we didn't do anything for them.
We just got them.
Because they're not based on us,
just placed on us by Him,
who loves His children
by His goodness and grace.

And let's be sure
to let others know
that these blessings we have
are not based-
just placed.

-written 8.8.17

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